The images on this page are all still life studies. The first image is an 18x24 inch drawing done in black charcoal on white Canson Mi-Teintes paper. 
The image above is a full, completed still life work done in black charcoal on white paper, the image below is its respective draft drawing. This rough draft was drawn with ink on white paper, and layered with alcohol-based ink markers in greyscale. 
The still life below was done in graphite pencil, on an 18x24 inch sheet of paper. 
The image below is a still life drawing done entirely in ballpoint pen, on 18x24 inch paper. 
The image below is a still-life exploration of objects containing ellipses, as a learning tool for mastering technique and approach in drawing ellipses. It was drawn in graphite pencil on an 18x24 inch sheet of paper. 
The image below is the second, more precise version of the above image, as another round of learning how to accurately read an object for ellipses and draw them into the respective placement and proportions. It is also drawn in graphite pencil on an 18x24 inch paper. 
The final two images below are still life drawings of trees on campus at Iowa State University, exploring in a very loose depiction the general shape of the tree, looking into details of each trees leaf structure, and finally emphasizing in a slightly larger, slightly more detailed drawing, the shapes and dimension of the specific tree. 
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